The Yuxing’s Oil Immersed Transformer is a reliable and efficient solution for high voltage electrical applications. This customized metal electrical transformer is designed to operate at 440 volts and has a voltage capacity of 10 kilovolts. With its intelligent design and advanced technology, this transformer is perfect for a wide range of industrial, commercial, and residential settings.
Built to withstand the demands of heavy-duty operations, the Yuxing’s Oil Immersed Transformer is made of high-quality materials that ensure durability and longevity. The transformer is housed in a sturdy metal enclosure that provides protection against external elements and ensures safe and reliable performance.
Equipped with the latest technology, this intelligent transformer utilizes innovative features to optimize energy efficiency and enhance overall performance. The transformer is designed to automatically regulate voltage levels, improve power factor, and reduce energy consumption, making it a cost-effective and eco-friendly solution for your electrical needs.
The Yuxing’s Oil Immersed Transformer is highly customizable to meet specific requirements and applications. Whether you need a transformer for industrial machinery, commercial buildings, or residential complexes, this transformer can be tailored to suit your unique needs. Our team of experts will work closely with you to design and manufacture a transformer that meets your exact specifications and delivers optimal performance.
In addition to its technical capabilities, the Yuxing’s Oil Immersed Transformer is also easy to install and maintain. With its user-friendly design and simple operation, this transformer requires minimal upkeep and can be easily integrated into your existing electrical system.
Backed by the trusted Yuxing brand, this oil immersed transformer is built to the highest standards of quality and reliability. With a reputation for excellence and a commitment to customer satisfaction, Yuxing is a leading provider of electrical solutions that meet the needs of today's demanding environments.
The Yuxing’s Oil Immersed Transformer is a versatile and dependable solution for high voltage applications. With its advanced features, customizable design, and durable construction, this transformer offers a superior performance that is unmatched in the industry. Trust Yuxing to deliver a quality solution that meets your electrical needs and exceeds your expectations
Značka |
užívateľsky |
Áno |
Názov výrobku |
olejový transformátor |
Trh s aplikáciami |
Svetový obchod |
Modelka |
transformátor |
coil structure |
kruhový |
farba |
sivá |
hmotnosť |
Poraďte sa s výrobcom |
Otázka: Aké sú vaše hlavné produkty
Transformátor: Spínací prístroj, transformátor, skriňový transformátor
Otázka: Môžu byť vaše produkty prispôsobenéOdpoveď: Vzhľadom na rozdiely v napätí, frekvencii a iných charakteristikách transformátorových produktov v rôznych krajinách a regiónoch je možné naše produkty prispôsobiť vašim požiadavkámOtázka: Kedy môžem získať cenu
Odpoveď: Cenovú ponuku zvyčajne poskytneme do 24 hodín po obdržaní vašej otázky
Otázka: Aká je dodacia lehota alebo dodacia lehota
Odpoveď: Dodacia lehota závisí od množstva, ktoré ste si objednali, zvyčajne do 15 dní po obdržaní zálohovej platby
Otázka: Aké sú náklady na dopravu
Odpoveď: Ceny sa líšia v závislosti od doručovacieho portu
Otázka: Poskytujete záruky na produkt
Odpoveď: Áno, na všetky transformátory poskytujeme minimálnu jednoročnú záruku
Otázka: Aké sú vaše silné stránky
Odpoveď: So 17-ročnými skúsenosťami, moderným výrobným zariadením, stabilnou kvalitou, rýchlym dodaním, profesionálnym, kvalitným a včasným servisom, môžeme tiež poskytnúť bezplatné diely